About the gwrt

Find out more about the GWRT, our live projects and appeals, and our GWRT Board Members.

About The GWRT

Set up in 2009, the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust (GWRT) aims ‘to maintain and develop a railway museum for the benefit of the public, buffer stop to buffer stop, fence to fence’.

Explore the website to learn how the GWRT have supported the GWSR in the past, how you and your family and friends can join the GWRT as members, donate or leave us a legacy in your will, the “Gift that Lives on”, as your generosity will help us achieve our aims to maintain the GWSR as a living museum for the benefit of all.

Supporting the GWSR

Supporting the GWSR plc, the GWRT provides grant aid to projects and programmes focussing on maintaining, restoring, refurbishing, and in some cases, re-recreating articles of living history, ensuring their survival and providing enjoyment for the young and young at heart to enjoy.

From time to time, the GWRT receives donations or legacies of railway artefacts. As many of these as possible are used or displayed on GWSR but some, with agreement, are sold in order to raise funds for future grants. Please refer to the ‘Legacies’ page for more information.

You can also help us raise funds by making donations via our Office or donate a relevant artefact to us for potential use or display on the GWSR.


Membership is an essential part of the success of GWSR and the GWRT, supporting their aims of providing and maintaining a living museum in the heart of the Cotswolds.

By becoming a member, you will be helping one of preservation's most ambitious and exciting projects to grow.

To find out more about becoming a member, click here.


Discover the diverse opportunities that exist to volunteer on the GWSR; our volunteers provide all of our daily operational roles, from Travelling Ticket Inspector and Booking Office Clerk, locomotive and carriage maintenance and restoration, all the way through to our safety, track maintenance and line side clearance teams.

To find out more about becoming a volunteer, click here.

The Board

The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust (GWRT) is a Registered Charity (No. 1133186) and a Company limited by guarantee. The GWRT is managed by a Board comprised of nine Trustee Directors, all of whom are active volunteers working in various departments of the GWSR plc. See below to learn more about the current Trustee Directors and their responsibilities.

Who's who

Philip Young

GWRT Chairman

I joined the GWSR as a Travelling Ticket Inspector in 2008 before qualifying as a Guard. I became the Recruitment Director in the Trust for 6 years before becoming Promotions Director. I was then elected as Chairman in 2022.

Richard Scott

GWRT Deputy Chairman

I started on the GWR during 1992 working in the Permanent Way department before joining the Diesel department. I joined the then GWRL Board around 2011 to help develop a young members group and was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Trust in 2022.

John Woodall

Trust Secretary

I have been a member and shareholder of the railway for some years but was only able to take on a volunteering role after a move to the Cotswolds. I have been a member of the Friends of Toddington team since mid 2021 and was appointed Secretary to the GWRT Board in June 2022

Rose Phillips

GWRT Museums Director

I became a member of the GWRT in 2009, as a volunteer with the Lineside Clearance team. Then in 2011 I also joined the newly-formed Friends of Toddington group. I continue to enjoy my work with both these groups. In 2017 I was elected to the Trust Board and appointed Museum Director in 2020.

John Forkes

GWRT Promotions Director

I joined the GWSR in 2014 as a volunteer in the Safety Team and then shortly afterwards became a member of the Trust Promotions Team. I was then elected to the Trust Board in June 2022 and appointed as Promotions Director in July of that year.

Rob Davidson


I joined in 2015 as a TTI and Meeter & Greeter. Wanting to do more, l became a Booking Office Clerk, then Station Master and then joined the RCS as a Steward at all the venues, a cook and a Trainer. Also a Shed Tour Guide and Senior SM for Toddington.

Bryony Exton

Director of Fundraising

Joining the GWSR in 2018, I've since become a TTI, Guard, and am currently a Trainee Fireman and Department Secretary in the Steam Department. I joined the GWRT Board in late 2021, officially being elected in June 2022.

Alex Caulfield


I started volunteering in 2013 in C&W, where I'm still found many Saturdays. My collection of hats now include TTI, Guard, signwriting around the railway, and various behind the scenes organising of events and projects. I joined the board in 2022.